The Real Housewives of New Jersey
We head to the Garden State for this installment of the “Housewives” franchise, focusing on affluent Jersey girls who are more than just friends. The cast has changed through the seasons but the featured housewives through the years have included Caroline Manzo, a devoted wife and mother of three adult children; former Las Vegas cosmetologist Jacqueline Laurita, who is now a full-time housewife; and Teresa Giudice, a mother of four who runs her household without help from a nanny or personal assistant.
Aired: Jul 13, 2014 Genre: RealityDuration: 43m Rating: 0 Country: United States of America Production: Sirens Media
01: What a Difference a Plea Makes02: Oh, Christmas Tre03: Trash-Talking04: A Hairy Situation05: One Flew Over the Chicken's Nest06: The Family Business07: Roses are Red, DNA is Blue08: Guilt Trip09: There Will Be Bloodwork10: The Day of Jacqueline11: Gators and Haters12: Pack Your Bags and Get Out!13: Sorry, Not Sorry14: Judgement Day15: Secrets Revealed (1)16: Reunion (1)17: Reunion (2)18: Reunion (3)19: Secrets Revealed (2)20: Teresa Checks In, Part 1: Tre of Life21: Teresa Checks In, Part 2: Mr. Mom For Shore22: Teresa Checks In, Part 3: The Visit