The Real Housewives of New Jersey
We head to the Garden State for this installment of the “Housewives” franchise, focusing on affluent Jersey girls who are more than just friends. The cast has changed through the seasons but the featured housewives through the years have included Caroline Manzo, a devoted wife and mother of three adult children; former Las Vegas cosmetologist Jacqueline Laurita, who is now a full-time housewife; and Teresa Giudice, a mother of four who runs her household without help from a nanny or personal assistant.
Aired: May 03, 2010 Genre: RealityDuration: 43m Rating: 0 Country: United States of America Production: Sirens Media
01: Water Under The Table02: Generation Vexed03: Catty-Walk04: Babies, Bubbles and Bubbies05: Into the Lion's Den06: It's Not Me, It's You07: Play At Your Own Risk08: Bubbies Gone Bad09: Posche Spite10: Country Clubbed11: Staub Wounds12: Youth Will Be Served13: Don't Drink the Holy Water14: The Chanels of Venice15: The Hills Are Alive With Giudice16: The Heads of Family Will Roll17: Reunion (1)18: Reunion (2)