Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live premiered its fortieth season during the 2014–15 television season on NBC. The season premiered on September 27, 2014, with host Chris Pratt and musical guest Ariana Grande, and former cast member Darrell Hammond as the show's new announcer, replacing Don Pardo, who had died in August. The premiere included an interstitial photograph of Pardo. Pardo had been the announcer for SNL since it premiered in 1975, with the exception of season seven and season 21, episode 14, where Hammond took his place. This season also saw the death of former cast member Jan Hooks, who died from cancer two weeks into the season.
Aired: Sep 27, 2014 Genre: Comedy NewsCasts: Michael Che Mikey Day Andrew Dismukes Chloe Fineman Heidi Gardner James Austin Johnson Colin Jost Ego NwodimCreated By: Dick Ebersol Lorne MichaelsProducers: Lorne MichaelsRating: 6.8 Country: United States of America Production: Broadway Video, NBC Studios, Universal Television, NBC Universal Television, SNL Studios
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7Season 8Season 9Season 10Season 11Season 12Season 13Season 14Season 15Season 16Season 17Season 18Season 19Season 20Season 21Season 22Season 23Season 24Season 25Season 26Season 27Season 28Season 29Season 30Season 31Season 32Season 33Season 34Season 35Season 36Season 37Season 38Season 39Season 40Season 41Season 42Season 43Season 44Season 45Season 46Season 47Season 48Season 49Season 50
01: Chris Pratt with Ariana Grande02: Sarah Silverman with Maroon 503: Bill Hader with Hozier04: Jim Carrey with Iggy Azalea05: Chris Rock with Prince06: Woody Harrelson with Kendrick Lamar07: Cameron Diaz with Bruno Mars & Mark Ronson08: James Franco with Nicki Minaj09: Martin Freeman with Charli XCX10: Amy Adams with One Direction11: Kevin Hart with Sia12: Blake Shelton13: J.K. Simmons with D'Angelo14: Dakota Johnson with Alabama Shakes15: Chris Hemsworth with Zac Brown Band16: Dwayne Johnson with George Ezra17: Michael Keaton with Carly Rae Jepsen18: Taraji P. Henson with Mumford & Sons19: Scarlett Johansson with Wiz Khalifa20: Reese Witherspoon with Florence and the Machine21: Louis C.K. with Rihanna