Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live aired its twelfth season during the 1986-1987 television season on NBC. The 12th season started on October 11, 1986, the 11th anniversary of the show's first episode, and ended on May 23, 1987. Despite plans to have Saturday Night Live canceled due to the ratings of its previous season, producer Lorne Michaels convinced Brandon Tartikoff to give the show another chance, provided that a better cast be found for the next season. As a result, many of season 11's cast members were fired, except for Nora Dunn, Jon Lovitz, featured player A. Whitney Brown, and Weekend Update anchor Dennis Miller. Al Franken was rehired as a writer. The rest were relative unknowns, led by Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Jan Hooks, Victoria Jackson, and Kevin Nealon. Hooks had auditioned to be in the season 10 and 11 casts, but had been turned down. Hartman helped write sketches in season 11's Thanksgiving episode hosted by Pee-wee Herman, and appeared in a sketch as a Pilgrim. The first show of the 1986-1987 season opened with Madonna, host of the previous season opener, reading a "statement" from NBC about season 11's mediocre writing and bad cast choices. According to the "statement", the entire 1985-1986 season was "...all a dream. A horrible, horrible dream."
Aired: Oct 11, 1986 Genre: Comedy NewsCasts: Michael Che Mikey Day Andrew Dismukes Chloe Fineman Heidi Gardner James Austin Johnson Colin Jost Ego NwodimCreated By: Dick Ebersol Lorne MichaelsProducers: Lorne MichaelsRating: 0 Country: United States of America Production: Broadway Video, NBC Studios, Universal Television, NBC Universal Television, SNL Studios
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7Season 8Season 9Season 10Season 11Season 12Season 13Season 14Season 15Season 16Season 17Season 18Season 19Season 20Season 21Season 22Season 23Season 24Season 25Season 26Season 27Season 28Season 29Season 30Season 31Season 32Season 33Season 34Season 35Season 36Season 37Season 38Season 39Season 40Season 41Season 42Season 43Season 44Season 45Season 46Season 47Season 48Season 49Season 50
01: Sigourney Weaver/Buster Poindexter02: Malcolm-Jamal Warner/Run DMC03: Rosanna Arquette/Ric Ocasek04: Sam Kinison/Lou Reed05: Robin Williams/Paul Simon06: Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, & Martin Short/Randy Newman07: Steve Guttenberg/The Pretenders08: William Shatner/Lone Justice09: Walter Payton, Joe Montana/Debbie Harry10: Paul Shaffer/Bruce Hornsby & the Range11: Bronson Pinchot/Paul Young12: Willie Nelson13: Valerie Bertinelli/The Robert Cray Band14: Bill Murray/Percy Sledge15: Charlton Heston/Wynton Marsalis16: John Lithgow/Anita Baker17: John Larroquette/Timbuk 318: Mark Harmon/Suzanne Vega19: Garry Shandling/Los Lobos20: Dennis Hopper/Roy Orbison