The Ed Sullivan Show
The Ed Sullivan Show is an American TV variety show that originally ran on CBS from Sunday June 20, 1948 to Sunday June 6, 1971, and was hosted by New York entertainment columnist Ed Sullivan. It was replaced in September 1971 by the CBS Sunday Night Movie, which ran only one season and was eventually replaced by other shows. In 2002, The Ed Sullivan Show was ranked #15 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
Aired: Sep 20, 1970 Genre: Comedy TalkCasts: Ed SullivanProducers: Chester Feldman Bob PrechtDuration: 1h Rating: 0 Country: United States of America Production:
01: The Georgie Awards: Barbra Streisand / Blood Sweat & Tears / Tom Jones02: Bobby Vinton / Rare Earth / Holiday on Ice03: Melanie / Engelbert Humperdinck / Tiny Tim04: scheduled: Arthur Godfrey; Loretta Lynn05: Carpenters / B.B. King / Tony Bennett06: U.N. 25th Anniversary: The New Seekers / Ravi Shankar07: Bobbie Gentry / Melba Moore / Roy Clark08: Four Tops / Carpenters / Freda Payne09: Tommy Roe / Billy Joe Royal / Joe South10: Richard Rogers Tribute: Shirley Jones; Cass Elliott11: scheduled: Buck Owens; Joan Rivers; Norm Crosby12: Grass Roots / Joey Heatherton / Pat Cooper13: scheduled: Bobby Sherman; New Seekers; Robert Merrill14: The Great Santa Claus Switch with Art Carney and the Muppets15: scheduled: Bobbie Gentry; Friends of Distinction; Peter Nero16: scheduled: Rodney Dangerfield; Lana Cantrell; O.C. Smith17: Tony Bennett, The Muppets18: B.J. Thomas / Rahsaan Roland Kirk / Nancy Ames19: Temptations / Connie Stevens / Albert Brooks20: Gladys Knight & the Pips / Sid Caesar & Carol Channing21: Fifth Dimension / Tiny Tim & Miss Vickie / Connie Stevens22: Everly Brothers / George Carlin / Shirley Bassey23: Armed Forces Music Festival: Jeannie C. Riley; Teresa Graves24: Bernadette Peters / George Hamilton / Oliver25: Final Sullivan Show: Melanie; David Frye; Sandler & Young26: Special Memorial Day Edition