Sledge Hammer!
Sledge Hammer! is an American satirical police sitcom produced by New World Television that ran for two seasons on ABC from 1986 to 1988. The series was created by Alan Spencer and stars David Rasche as Inspector Sledge Hammer, a preposterous caricature of the standard "cop on the edge" character. Al Jean and Mike Reiss, best known for their work on The Simpsons, wrote for the show and worked as story editors.
Aired: Sep 23, 1986 Genre: Comedy CrimeCasts: David Rasche Anne-Marie Martin Harrison PageCreated By: Alan SpencerProducers: Alan SpencerDuration: 25m Rating: 8 Country: United States of America Production: Spencer Productions, D'Angelo Productions, New World Television
01: Under the Gun02: Hammer Gets Nailed03: Witless04: They Shoot Hammers, Don't They?05: Dori Day Afternoon06: To Sledge, with Love07: All Shook Up08: Over My Dead Bodyguard09: Magnum Farce10: If I Had a Little Hammer11: To Live and Die on TV12: Miss of the Spider Woman13: The Old Man and the Sledge14: State of Sledge15: Haven't Gun, Will Travel16: The Color of Hammer17: Brother, Can You Spare a Crime?18: Desperately Seeking Dori19: Sledgepoo20: Comrade Hammer21: Jagged Sledge22: The Spa Who Loved Me