Regular Show
The seventh season of the American animated comedy television series Regular Show, created by J. G. Quintel, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. Quintel originally created the series' pilot using characters from his comedy shorts for the cancelled anthology series The Cartoonstitute. He developed Regular Show from his own experiences in college, while several of its main characters originated from his animated shorts The Naïve Man from Lolliland and 2 in the AM PM. He himself voice acts one of the main characters in the show, "Mordecai", a blue bird. The series was renewed for a seventh season at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con International on July 25, 2014. The previous season contained 31 episodes in order to accommodate for the film and this season will contain the regular 40 episodes from the previous seasons.
Aired: Jul 06, 2015 Genre: Animation ComedyCasts: J.G. Quintel William Salyers Mark Hamill Sam Marin Minty Lewis Matthew Mercer Vanessa MarshallCreated By: J.G. QuintelProducers: Ryan Slater Curtis Lelash Brian A. Miller Rob Sorcher Jennifer Pelphrey J.G. QuintelDuration: 11m Rating: 7.3 Country: United States of America Production: Cartoon Network Studios
01: Dumptown U.S.A.02: The Parkie Awards03: The Lunch Club04: Local News Legends05: The Dome Experiment Special06: Birthday Gift07: Cat Videos08: Struck by Lightning09: Terror Tales of the Park V (1)10: Terror Tales of the Park V (2)11: The Return of Party Horse12: Sleep Cycle13: Just Friends14: Benson's Pig15: The Eileen Plan16: Hello China17: Crazy Fake Plan18: Win That Prize19: Snow Tubing20: Chili Cook Off21: Donut Factory Holiday22: Gymblonski23: Guys Night 224: Gary's Synthesizer25: California King26: Cube Bros27: Maellard's Package28: Rigby Goes to the Prom29: The Button30: Favorite Shirt31: Marvolo The Wizard32: Pops' Favorite Planet33: Pam I Am34: Lame Lockdown35: VIP Members Only36: Deez Keys37: Rigby's Graduation Day Special (1)38: Rigby's Graduation Day Special (2)