Kamen Rider
This series followed Shiro Kazami on his quest to gain revenge against Destron, the group that murdered his family. Later on, Riderman, the fourth Kamen Rider is introduced as the first long term anti-hero Kamen Rider. The original two Kamen Riders also make various appearances over the course of the series to help Kazami.
Aired: Feb 17, 1973 Genre: Action & Adventure Sci-Fi & Fantasy DramaCasts: Hidekazu Chinen Yusuke Hino Nozomi Miyabe Takashi Tsukamoto Machi Chitose Ryo Takizawa Honoka Kawasaki Ruito KogaCreated By: Shotaro IshinomoriProducers: Takehiro Okawa Naomi TakebeDuration: 24m Rating: 6.5 Country: Japan Production: TV Asahi, Toei Company, Asatsu-DK, Ishimori Productions
01: Rider No. 3: His Name is V3!02: Last Testament of the Double Riders03: The Execution of V304: V3's 26 Secrets!?05: Snake-Man with a Machine Gun!06: Enter, Hammer-Jellyfish! V3 Unleash Your Killing Technique!!07: The Fury of Rider V3's Special Training08: Watch Out, V3! Beware the Terrifying Buzzsaw09: What is the Destron Hell Squad!?10: Secret of the Double Typhoon11: The Claws of Evil Reach Out for V3!!12: Junko Becomes a Monster's Bride?!13: Terrifying Commandant: Doktor G!14: Secret Memento of the Double Riders15: Rider V3's Deadly Weakness!!16: Gecko Monster With a Missile On His Back!17: The Devil Spray is the Reaper's Weapon18: V3, Beware the Fiendish Traitor!19: Blowfish Apache's Operation: Torpedo!!20: Operation: Destron Shikoku Conquest21: The Double Riders Live22: Camp of Terror! Mystery of the Underground Canal23: Terror! The Vampire From the Graveyard24: Mysterious! Cockroach Manor!!25: Mysterious!! The Destron Ranger Corps26: Monster Heater-Cicada's Operation: Mummy27: Zol, Death, Hell and Black Rise From the Grave28: The Five Commandant's All-Out Attack!29: Doktor G's Final Challenge!30: Doktor G! The True Form of Evil is...?31: Enter, Baron Fang: Commandant of Curses!!32: Spectre of Onibi Swamp: Rider Scouts Annihilated!?33: V3 in Danger! Riders One and Two Return!!34: Critical Moment! Baron Fang vs. Three Riders!!35: Baron Fang's Final Transformation36: The Winged Corps: Demons of the Sky37: Mysterious Temple: Curse of the Musasabi Clan38: Lone V3 and Cub: Deadly Skydiving39: Terror of the Carnivorous Fauna Plantaingan!!40: Sudden Death! V3 Mach Kick!!41: Oh! People Are Melting! Enter, Marshal Armor42: The Snail Man's Human Experiments!43: Friend or Foe? The Mysterious Riderman44: V3 vs. Riderman45: Destron's Christmas Present46: Riderman, Where Will You Go?47: Ambush! The Destron Leader!!48: Look! The Face of the Destron Leader!!49: A Gunshot Rings Out! Kazami Shiro Falls!!50: A Little Friendship51: You Are Rider Number 4!!52: The Last Day of Destron