The Hunger
The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series, co-produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions and the Canadian pay-TV channel The Movie Network. Though it shares a title with the feature film The Hunger the series has no direct plot or character connection to the film, and was created by Jeff Fazio. Originally shown on the Sci Fi Channel in the UK, The Movie Network in Canada and Showtime in the US, the series was broadcast from 1997 to 2000, and is internally organized into two seasons. Each episode was based around an independent story introduced by the host; Terence Stamp hosted each episode for the first season, and was replaced in the second season by David Bowie. Stories tended to focus on themes of self-destructive desire and obsession, with a strong component of soft-core erotica; popular tropes for the stories included cannibalism, vampires, sex, and poison.
Aired: Sep 10, 1999 Genre: DramaCasts: Terence StampCreated By: Jeff FazioDuration: 24m Rating: 3.8 Country: United Kingdom Production: Scott Free Productions
01: Sanctuary02: Skin Deep03: Dream Sentinel04: And She Laughed05: Nunc Dimittis06: Week Woman07: Night Bloomer08: The Diarist09: Sin Seer10: Triangle in Steel11: Brass12: Replacements13: I'm Very Dangerous Tonight14: Wrath of God15: Bottle of Smoke16: The Perfect Couple17: The Sacred Fire18: Approaching Desdemona19: The Seductress20: Double (aka Beyond Any Measure)21: Falling Man22: The Suction Method