Adapted from Keiko Suenobu's manga "LIFE," this drama delves into the dark side of high school life. The story focuses mainly on bullying, but the manga also touches on subjects such as self-mutilation, suicide, and rape. Kitano Kii stars as Ayumu Shiiba, one of the students bullied by a group of classmates led by Ayumu's former friend, Manami Anzai (Fukuda Saki).
Aired: Jun 30, 2007 Genre: DramaCasts: Kie Kitano Saki Fukuda Yoshihiko Hosoda Megumi Seki Miki Sakai Asaka Seto Miki Maya Suzu NatsumeCreated By: Keiko SuenobuProducers: Toshiyuki Nakano Masaki Tanimura Yûsuke KatôDuration: 45m Rating: 7.5 Country: Japan Production: