The Business
The Business is a Canadian television series, which airs on The Movie Network in Canada and IFC in the United States. The plot of the show centres on Vic Morgan, an adult film director of a low-budget softcore pornographic series similar to Girls Gone Wild. He attempts to become a legitimate film maker after having converted to Judaism to be successful in the entertainment industry. Season one depicts the production of his first independent film and the difficulties along the way with an undisciplined production staff, poorly skilled actors, and an eccentric Japanese investor. Season two follows the company following the success of its first film as they search for a follow-up project.
Aired: Aug 04, 2006 Genre: ComedyCasts: Kathleen Robertson Rob deLeeuw Nicolas Wright Trevor Hayes James A. Woods Karen Cliche Arthur Holden Kaela BahreyProducers: Evan ShapiroDuration: 30m Rating: 2 Country:Production: