
The aftermath of a mysterious environmental catastrophe has left the land in complete desolation! While mankind has been able to rebuild the city, the catastrophe has caused some humans to undergo genetic mutations granting them special powers and abilities. These genetically enhanced humans are known as Alters. Kazuma has spent his entire life in the wastelands relying on his special powers to survive, but when a secret organization called ‘Holy’ threatens to take away his freedom, he will be left with a choice to join or die. His fight to seek the truth behind the ‘Holy’ will rage and consume humanity and Alter alike!
Aired: Jul 04, 2001 Genre: Animation Action & Adventure Sci-Fi & FantasyCasts: Soichiro Hoshi Yukari Tamura Takumi Yamazaki Ginzo Matsuo Bin Shimada Hikaru Midorikawa Yuko Nagashima Masayo KurataCreated By: Goro TaniguchiProducers: Goro TaniguchiDuration: 24m Rating: 7.2 Country: Japan Production: